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Rewind ‘06, Fast Forward ‘07 – Chris Bryce

Our rewind of 2006 and fast forward to 2007, is still going. Chris Bryce shares his thoughts on the year past, and the year that has come.

1. Rewind – What trends in Internet marketing surprised you in 2006? The amount of attention that YouTube gets – it’s just a site the hosts Video – not that much of a mind blowing concept outside of the huge chuck of change Google paid for it.”

2. Rewind – Did you add any new tools to your online marketing toolkit in 2006? Yes, multiple analytic tools as each does a particular job well, also the use of Google Calendar for our office.

3. Fast Forward – What do you see as the biggest trends in Internet Marketing in 2007? Interactive Video which will slowing erode the amount to html we see… (maybe not in 2007 sorry 🙂

4. Fast Forward – At the end of 2007, what do you expect we’ll be looking back at as overhyped? Commercial Product Related Blogs ( sorry – yours is great and relevant – most are not)

5. Fast Forward – Any SPECIFIC predictions for 2007? Buy-outs, bubbles bursting, records broken, reputations toppled, break-out companies? Dotfusion, I hope. 🙂