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Category: Mitch Joel

Six Pixels, 10 Questions: an interview with Mitch Joel

Editor's Note: This interview was originally published on David's blog and he has kindly given us permission to repost it here. Mitch Joel, Jones' interviewee, has long been a supporter of, and one-time contributor to, OneDegree.  We like to think we gave him his start 😉

Six-pixels-cover Mitch Joel, one of Canada's best known voices on the intersection of social media and marketing has authored his first book: Six Pixels of Separation – Everyone is Connected. Connect Your Business to Everyone.

Anyone who's followed Mitch over the last few years knew this one was coming.  He's been writing it in real time with his blog, podcast, newspaper columns, interviews and speaking gigs.  The guy even hosted a podcast about business books for Harper Collins.

I asked Mitch to answer 10 questions for me about his book that I could publish here.  I'm no James Lipton…I forgot to ask about his favourite curse word.

Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Mitch Joel. I am the President of a Digital Marketing agency called Twist Image. We have offices in both Toronto and Montreal and we employ over 80 people. I have a Blog and Podcast called, Six Pixels of Separation, and I’ve just release my first business book named after my Blog on Grand Central Publishing – Hachette Book Group. I also do a bi-monthly business column for both the Montreal Gazette and Vancouver Sun plus – as if that doesn’t keep me busy enough – I do a monthly tech column called, Ultraportable, for enRoute Magazine.

What's your book about…in one sentence?

Everybody is connected online and through their mobile devices. This book is about how business can (and should) connect themselves to everybody. That was two sentences, but it sounds like one.

What will I get out of this book over other social media books out there?

About 288 pages more. All kidding aside, this is not a Social Media book. It’s a business book. I know the books you are talking, and those books tend to be written by people giving their perspective of the new online channels either through the lens of a Marketer, Consultant or Technologist. I wrote this book as an Entrepreneur for businesspeople. Using real business language and case stories that really illustrate how business can grow (and yes, that includes making money). This book is the strategy, tools and tactics I used to grow my business from no employees in 2002 to nearly 85 full-time team members with multiple offices. Basically, by taking part and engaging in the many online channels, my company, Twist Image, (with me as “the voice”) was able to build this multi-million dollar business. We continue to grow by still using the same channels. So, yes, some of the platforms are Social Media-based, but the book is much more about how to think strategically different and engage in a much more human way in this new world.

Who should read this book?

The two main people I wrote this book for was small-to-medium sized business owners who keep hearing about Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, etc… but still grapple with how it applies to business, if it’s worth their time, and whether or not there is actually any real business at the end of it. The second segment would be mid-to-senior level businesspeople in large organizations who are constantly being asked (or are even asking themselves), “what are we doing on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc…?” These are the people who are constantly being pushed to do a lot more with a lot less, and their peers (both Junior and Senior) think that the online channels hold the key. My book breaks down the big difference between asking “what?” and asking “why?” – in short, asking “why?” is the strategy and asking “what?” is the tactic, so it’s all about figuring out the “why?” first.


5 Questions For Crayon – A New Marketing Company

Crayon is billing itself as “A New Marketing Company.” It is the brainchild of Life After The 30-Second Spot author, Joseph Jaffe (who also happens to Blog over at Jaffe Juice and Podcast over at Across The Sound). Jaffe is joined by the For Immediate Release co-hosts, Shel Holtz and Neville Hobson, along with Podsafe Music dude, C.C. Chapman (who also recently launched his own marketing Podcast, Managing The Gray). One Degree fired them each a question and then got them all to answer a final one together. Here’s what they said… The first question should be why was I willing to help promote a marketing agency that is not Twist Image (my own)? It’s a great question if you didn’t know that I consider the principles of Crayon to all be personal friends. We’ve even managed to meet in person on more than a handful of times. It’s that kind of social media power that led Joseph Jaffe, Shel Holtz, Neville Hobson and C.C. Chapman to not only launch their new agency, Crayon, together, but they are running their head office out of Second Life (which seems much easier than trying to get people from Connecticut, Massachusetts, California and England all in a room at the same time). Crayon launched with a significant amount of fanfare – which took place in Second Life, but for now, One Degree stuck with some real life questions.

One Degree: Why does the world need Crayon?

Joseph Jaffe: The world needs honesty, integrity, transparency, conversation and community. If crayon can play any part in helping make that a reality, I would consider myself as having been successful. There is a “collective consciousness” which is rising at an unprecedented rate. People want to make a difference. People want to focus on the stuff that matters. Selling stuff will always be important but not at the expense of humanity. That is what crayon is all about. Helping brands stand for something that counts…eliminating the fluff, false promises and hyperbole and in its place, create relevant and meaningful context and experiences. And if the world needs that, then hopefully the world will need Crayon.

One Degree: What do marketers need to know about Podcasting?

C.C. Chapman: They need to realize know that podcasting is a direct connection to the eyes and ears of their consumers and the population at large. It’s appointment based consumption of audio and video that is controlled and selected by the individual. It’s easier to push the skip button then it ever was to change the channel, so it’s critical that the content be engaging and appropriate to what the consumer was told it would be. You only get one chance to do it right so take the time to play it out ahead of time and then push forward.

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