Way too many “virals” (or “Commerically Transmitted Diseases”:http://slumbering.lungfish.com/index.php?p=onedegree.1126211287 as Lore would have it) are looking like “Subservient Chicken”:http://www.subservientchicken.com clones.
Let’s see more stuff like “The Million Dollar Home Page”:http://www.milliondollarhomepage.com/ please!
# “Alex”:http://www.milliondollarhomepage.com/faq.php will in fact earn enough money to pay for University.
# He will drop out of school after about two weeks in order to use his newly minted fame and fortune to found a “long tail inspired web 2.0 podcasting start-up full of ajaxian goodness”.
# When that fails he will buy the domain tenmilliondollarhomepage.com and repeat.
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More stuff like this? Try http://www.onedollarhomepage.com/.
Didn’t take long, did it?
Those “dollar pages” are so yesterday! 🙂
Personally I think I would have aimed HIGHER, not lower, but hey.
billiondollarhomepage.com was taken, and trilliondollarhompage….well that’s just downright greedy.
We did something like this years ago: http://green-globe.com/grid2.php , but instead of buying 100 pixels for $100, here you own a piece of real land for $40: http://green-globe.com/
didn’t get viral though…
Predictions, eh? 😉
Well, here we are, a few months later… Alex is only $1000 away now from being a millionaire, but with his eBay auction for those last 1000 pixels he will obviously get way more than that; the auction is already at $38,300, and that with 6 days still left! Amazing & inspiring!
Rob / PixelSiteLinks.com
More spin offs, looks like the six million dollar page is starting to take effect:
I don’t get it though, seems like there will be a million of these unfinished…