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Canadian Net Marketing To Grow 60%

bq. “The amount of money Canadian companies commit to marketing on the Internet is poised to increase 60 per cent over the next three years, overshadowing more modest gains predicted for TV and newspaper advertising, according to a study released yesterday.”
This is what I read in the “Toronto Star”: recently in their article “Web-Ad Buying Forecast To Grow – Internet to Top Other Media”: (registration required) article on December 9.
According to the “ZenithOptimedia”: study (available at a cost) referenced in this article Internet advertising in Canada will increase $100 million per year from $500 million in 2005 to $800 million in 2008. That’s up 60% over three years.
Here’s what some of the other advertising sectors will do according to the ZenithOptimedia survey:

* Internet 60%
* Cinema 23.5%
* Outdoor 21.7%
* Radio 14.1%
* TV 10.2%
* Magazine 10%
* Newspaper 5.3%
As someone working in the online marketing space this is good news. However, I am almost always suspicious when reading this type of projection. There are a lot of factors that come into play, not the least being things like our upcoming election, the type of government that we will have in power over the next three years and where the overall economy is going. Still, I feel good being in the online marketing space since this sector seems to be getting the lion’s share of funds that are diverted from mass advertising budgets.
Happy Holidays to all online marketers.