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Beavers And Caribou Drive One Degree Search Traffic

Man this is turning out to be a very weird week. Our traffic is through the roof because of two innocent posts – one about “Bell’s Beavers”: on Tuesday and the other about “Google’s Caribou”: _last March_.
On Tuesday I wrote about how I felt that Bell Canada’s “Beaver Ads” should have anticipated that people would get confused on the exact URL for the campaign – “”: I registered “”: to see if my theory was correct and pointed that domain to “my post”: on the topic.
After DNS updates kicked in we started getting hundreds of visitors to that page and the traffic seems to be increasing each day.
So, in the spirit of learning and sharing, here are the top 100 searches people did to get them to One Degree so far today:

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p. Note 1: A full 43% of our search traffic is coming from Frank-n-Gordon related searches – two days after we first posted about them. I’m not seeing any paid search adds on these terms that could drive people to the real site and the site itself doesn’t seem to be fair too well on many of these searches.
Note 2: I hope that Bell and their marketing partners are watching and listening to the blogosphere as there seems to be a storm brewing about Norm MacDonald doing the voice of Frank. Apparently LOTS of Canadians have no fondness for ex-Canuck MacDonald.
So it seems that Bell and their agencies should:
# Figure out what to do about
# Buy a ton of search terms to collect up all the people obviously interested in the site and unable to find it
# Deal with the *”Norm Storm”* that is building just over the horizon
# Start reading One Degree regularly (no Bell or Cossette IP addresses showing up in our logs as far as I can tell) 🙂


  1. ThePessimist
    ThePessimist February 21, 2006

    You mean nobody searched Bell Beavers and Narnia?
    I’ve been trying to find out if Frank and Gordon and Mr. & Mrs. Beaver were the progeny of the same cgi house.
    Anybody know?

  2. Greg
    Greg February 27, 2006

    Your Bell beavers look kind of like your new prime minister. But then our U.S. “president” looks like a jackass (and mirrors one in action).
    I was sorry the Bell beavers’ TV ad with the siamese cat isn’t on the web site. It’s not up to date with what’s airing on CBUT the past few weeks.

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