Looking to increase your profits? To convert more clicks? If so, you need a yes ladder.
This trick, borrowed from successful salespeople, uses a series of statements with which you must agree to spur the action you want.
Curious to know how it works? Simple. When you start agreeing with someone, you’re more likely to continue agreeing. Your brain’s agreement switch gets stuck in the on position. So you’re very susceptible to an offer.
Make sense? Think it would increase your conversions? Then here are three techniques to help you get started:
- Get inside your prospects’ mind: Build rapport by mirroring needs and concerns. Show connection and empathy. Ask such questions as, "Are you looking to finally solve your problem?" Make such statements as, "You’re probably tired of wasting money on under-performing solutions."
- Convey obvious facts: Make statements that are verifiable and true. Such as "It’s been a very cold winter" or "You’ve come to this website because you need something."
- Use truisms: Everyone agrees with truisms; we’re culturally conditioned to do so. So use them as part of your script. For example, "Better late than never" or "What goes up must come down." Of course, try to use truisms that are contextually relevant to your offering.
So, want to use yes ladders and other proven techniques to increase sales? Want to rely on experts who get it done efficiently and effectively? Visit communemedia.com/mastercopy to learn more, get a complimentary quote and read our free sales-boosting blog.