Over the years I have given lectures in different areas … email marketing, presentation skills, creative development and one of my favorite topics …user experience.
While I was with marchFIRST, formerly USWeb/CKS I developed this for my clients. This was presented many times for The CMA.
I’m glad you’re bringing attention to the topic of usability.
I think it receives not nearly enough attention in most facets of marketing, particularly with respect to the web.
SEO gets a disproportionate amount of attention (and dollars) versus ensuring that once visitors arrive at an organization’s website, they have an optimal experience.
Websites should be designed for people, not search engines. They should be designed and organized to clearly convey the organization’s brand offering and clearly identify paths (ie links) for visitors to learn more and explore the website.
I wrote an article on this recently if your readers are interested in exploring this topic further:
Thanks again for bring attention to the importance of usability.
Arie Opps
Illuminate Marketing