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In the news … August 15, 2014

Millennials Are Really Into Snapchat

That about says it. Millennials, categorized by comScore as those aged 18 to 34, have a new favorite toy in the social media realm.

According to comScore’s most-recent Mobile Metrix, Snapchat is now the third most-popular social app for millennials. It boasts 32.9 percent penetration, trailing only Instagram and Facebook (43.1 percent and 75.6 percent, respectively).

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Amazon Launches Local Register, A Square Competitor With Lower Transaction Rate

Amazon has launched a Square and PayPal Here competitor called Local Register, which provides users with a free app and a $10 card reader, and charges merchants and anyone selling services who use it just 1.75 percent per swipe on both credit and debit transactions, so long as users sign up before October 31. That’s a special rate, and is a full percentage point lower than Square’s 2.75 percent per swiped transaction (3.5 percent plus 15 cents for manual entry), and will last until January 1, 2016, at which point it will return to the standard 2.5 percent per transaction Amazon is charging (or 2.75 percent for manually entered transactions).

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Twitter says as many as 23 million accounts connect with automated services

Corrects misinterpretation of the quarterly filing and what the implications of it are. Twitter did not discuss "bots" in its filing. Some automated accounts post a Tweet when a door is opened, while others are used by news organizations to publish their latest headlines.

It turns out a chunk of active Twitter users aren't active participants.

In a new filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission, the social networking service revealed that in the three months ended June 30, around 8.5 percent of its active accounts used third-party apps that automatically connect to Twitter for them, updating their streams without any effort. It's unclear whether these services are used to automatically post to Twitter, or merely to read information from the network. Either way, this means among the 271 million active Twitter accounts in total, around 23 million aren't putting much effort in.

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