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5 Things That Will Happen After You Undergo Rhinoplasty

While some forms of rhinoplasty focus on changing the shape of the nose, others are primarily designed to correct some issue that interferes with breathing. Whatever the case, the surgical team will do everything they can to help you know what to expect once the procedure is complete. Here are five things that will make the recovery period a lot easier.

You Will Remain Under Observation for a Few Hours and Maybe Overnight

The nature of the operation plays a major role in what happens in the hours after the procedure is complete. When the surgeon was taking with you about what you need to know before rhinoplasty procedure, part of that discussion focused on what would happen immediately following the operation. This is where you get an idea of how long you will need to remain in a healthcare facility before being allowed to go home.

With less complicated procedures, you may be kept under observation for a few hours. That provides time for the sedation to wear off and the team to ensure there are no apparent complications. If after several hours you are doing well, the team will release you to the care of a responsible friend or relative who will make sure you get home safely.

When a more complex procedure is required, be prepared to remain in the facility at least overnight. During the night, a care team will check on you periodically to ensure everything is progresses properly. They will be able to help you with pain, drainage, and any other issues that may arise. Assuming you are doing well, there’s a chance you will get to go home the day after the procedure.

You Need a Caregiver for at Least 24 Hours After Going Home

Someone will need to stay with you for the first 24 hours following your release from the hospital or clinic. In some cases, the caregiver may be needed for several days. That person will ensure you follow the instructions provided by the surgeon.

Along with monitoring your diet, the friend, relative, or hired caregiver will ensure you take medication on time, change the dressings according to a schedule provided by the surgeon, and intervene if you try to lift anything too heavy or engage in any other tasks the surgeon told you was off limits for a time. The goal is to ensure nothing takes place to slow down the rate of your recovery.

Taking Antibiotics and Regular Cleanings Are Important

Nasal cleanings and antibiotics will be part of your life for the next seven days. It’s important to take the antibiotics on time. If the surgeon also provided pain medication, take it as directed. You will be provided with instructions in how to clean any discharge and keep the nasal passages as clear as possible. 

Most of what you need to know about care during the recuperative period is discussed prior to the procedure. It’s considered a major part of what you need to know before rhinoplasty procedure, since it is necessary to make some preparations before you actually undergo the rhinoplasty. The team will also go over all the essentials about medication schedules and cleanings with your caregiver after the procedure is over and you are about to go home.

Take Pain Medication Only as Directed

Never attempt to take more of your pain medication than allowed by the surgeon. You also want to avoid augmenting the medication with over the counter products. If you find that the medication is not controlling the discomfort, ask your caregiver to call the surgeon’s office. It may be that an adjustment in the medication is all it will take to ease the pain.

If you experience very little pain and think that you could do with less medication, don’t reduce the dosage without consulting with the surgeon. In most cases, the surgeon will suggest a specific decrease to try. If that turns out to be sufficient, all is well. If not, there’s always the option of returning to the original dosage.

Be Prepared to Return a Week After the Procedure

When you and the surgeon were discussing what you need to know before rhinoplasty procedure, the subject of when the bandages can come off permanently was included. Assuming there are no complications, you will see the surgeon a week after the procedure. The bandages are removed and the work is examined closely. If you are doing well, it may be possible to go with less bandaging from this point forward. You may even be able to leave the office with no need for bandages. Do expect to come back for another visit in two or three weeks.

Rhinoplasty makes a significant difference for many people. If you believe a procedure would be helpful, schedule a consultation with a professional today. Once the work is done and the recovery period is complete, you’ll be happily surprised at what a difference the procedure made.

Dr. Kristina Zakhary
2303 4 St SW #803
Calgary AB T2S 2S7

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