What is a job guarantee—and how could it help us recover from the coronavirus?
In the middle of the Great Depression, at a point when around 20% of Americans were unemployed, the Works Progress Administration put millions of people back to work building roads, schools, bridges, and other infrastructure. The Civilian Conservation Corps, another agency started as part of the New Deal, hired a “tree army” that planted 3 billion trees. Now, as so many Americans have suddenly lost their jobs that the unemployment rate could surge to the same level, it raises a question: Should the government begin creating jobs like this again, to make sure anyone who wants to work has work to do?
Facebook Announces its New Oversight Board to Guide Content Rules on the Platform
Facebook has announced the first members of its new Oversight Board, which will help it make decisions on what content should be allowed, and removed, across its platforms.
Busting the Myths: False and Misleading Advertising Amid COVID-19
With rising concerns about the global spread of COVID-19, there is an unprecedented demand for certain health products. Governments around the world are looking for fast and alternative ways to source key products and equipment in the fight against COVID-19, including by providing emergency and interim approval pathways for the manufacture and sale of masks and personal protective equipment, diagnostic tools, hand sanitizers, ventilators and more.
Facebook Provides Tips and a Template for an Effective Content Calendar
Facebook has published a new set of tips on how to create an effective social media content calendar, while it’s also provided a basic content calendar template to help you get started on mapping out your strategy.
Facebook says that the basic the three elements you need to note as part of an effective content calendar are: