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One Degree Thursday October 14 2021

Gen Xers are keen on spending for Halloween

When it comes to Halloween, Gen Xers are the most generous – but a lack of self-control still gets the better of a lot of us, who keep candy for ourselves. Those are the latest insights from data firm Caddle, which recently conducted a survey of 8,400 Canadians to get a better understanding of consumer behaviour leading up to Halloween.


William Shatner boldly went into space for real. Here’s what he saw

Blue Origin’s second human spaceflight has returned to Earth after taking a brief flight to the edge of space Wednesday morning. Among the four passengers on board — there is no pilot — was William Shatner, the actor who first played the space-traveling Captain Kirk in the Star Trek franchise.


A transactional approach to power

Transactional has become something of a dirty word in the business world. It suggests a short-term, one-off mindset and a commoditized approach to value. Nobody wants transactional relationships with employees, suppliers, or customers. But when it comes to exercising power, understanding power as a transaction may be a leader’s best bet.


How ‘Squid Game’ reveals the flaw in Netflix’s products strategy

After years of hints that Netflix was planning to branch out into merchandise in a full-fledged way, making itself a tad more Disney-esque and finding new ways to capitalize on popular shows like Stranger Things, the streamer finally announced this week that it’s making the leap. Through a partnership with Walmart, Netflix has set up the Netflix Hub, an online storefront on Walmart’s site, where fans can buy anything from a Stranger Things cassette player to an Ada Twist, Scientist On-the-Go Lab Set to a Cobra Kai headband.


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