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One Degree Monday June 6 2022

2022 Edelman Trust Barometer: Trust in Canada

We have studied trust for more than 20 years and believe that it is the ultimate currency in the relationship that all institutions—business, governments, NGOs and media—build with their stakeholders.


NBC News tech correspondent Jacob Ward joins TODAY and weighs in on how easy it is to use social media to move the needle of public opinion during trials. “It turns out that you really only need a handful of people creating fake accounts, let’s say, on Twitter, to move the national conversation,” he says.


Apple’s WWDC 2022 event: Here’s what to expect

Apple’s (AAPL) WWDC developers conference, arguably its biggest event of the year, kicks off next Monday, and it’s expected to bring a slew of changes to the software that powers each of the tech giant’s devices.


Instagram rolls out Amber Alert system in 25 countries, including Canada

nstagram plans to launch the Amber Alert system, used to share notices of missing children, on its platform in more than two-dozen countries, including Canada, over the coming weeks.


This is the reason you’re losing your best people, according to brain science

umans innately want to be great. Our drive for status—a need to be seen by others as capable, worthy, or impactful—is so fundamental to human survival that the brain releases feel-good chemicals like dopamine and serotonin when we get a status boost, so that we keep coming back for more. In fact, those brain candy rewards are so sweet, we work harder to get them again, and again. And there could be an evolutionary design to make us want to take care of our tribe: status seekers are good for society because when humans achieve great things, the entire species wins.


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