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One Degree Thursday September 22 2022

How to Match Content to Search Intent and Boost Traffic to Your Website

In Cannabiz Media’s Guide to SEO for Cannabis and Cannabis-Related Businesses, I explained how on-site SEO, off-site SEO, and on-page SEO work together to improve your website’s search rankings and traffic.


Outsourcing Digital Marketing? Here are the 5 Biggest Benefits and 10 Commandments for Your Success

Outsourcing digital marketing at some point has become a necessity for most businesses. Consequently, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that outsourcing digital marketing is the third most outsourced function for small businesses, with only more outsourcing occurring for accounting and I.T..


How Social Media Affects Our Self-Perception

Not long ago, a friend of mine deleted her Instagram account. I couldn’t understand why one would ever do such a thing, so I asked and her response caught me off-guard.


How the North is Changing the Canada Council for the Arts

Time spent in the North has changed me—and more and more, it’s changing the way the Council works. This idea came to me this past June as I was returning from my third visit to Canada’s northern territories as Director and CEO of the Canada Council for the Arts.


“My digital success” platform launching to assist Quebec SMBs in their digital transformation

Synchronex is launching a new platform called “Mon succès numérique” (My digital success) and invites small and medium businesses (SMBs) and organizations from across the province to propel themselves into the future.


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