Last week I attended the Northern Voice Conference – Canada’s blogging conference. While attending, James Sherrett and I took some detailed notes to share with the One Degree Community.
These shorthand notes represent what was presented at the conference. For ease-of-use, I have formatted them with the Session Name, Presenter, its Big idea and a ha moments, as well as links mentioned in the presentation.
Day 1
All sessions were recorded and the recordings can be found through the Northern Voice page on Podcastspot.
Day 1: Northern Voice Moosecamp, where almost all sessions are available as podcasts and with notes in a wiki format.
Social Media and the Dispora
Roland Tanglao
* with greater diversity of experience available how can people connect with their communities?
* an investigation of how personal identity is fostered by social media technology
** in particular, how Philipino cultures all over the world have embraced blogging
* discussion on how our personal relationships are becoming more mediated through social technologies and how that can change them
** people have relationships with people that are deep and rich yet they’ve never met in person
* knowing someone becomes independent from meeting someone
* observation: we all have such diverse backgrounds that there are fewer standard, shared stories
* discussion of the conflict, negotiation and confluence of personal identities between the stories we collect and tell about ourselves and our inheritances — race, language, location all become changeable
* Roland brings up the notion of co-option — how people can play at being something they don’t believe that they are — he lived in Germany and could answer the phone in German so well that anyone on the other end believed he was German — so was he German? He never felt German.
* the person who first tells the story / who names the names is the first mover and they’re the first to tell the story so they have a responsibility to tell it correctly
*Overall* great session, reinforcing my belief that the best training for understand and dealing with online communities is a broad liberal arts background mixed with a technical / tool capacity
Audio for the session.