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Tag: search marketing

Quality Score, SEO & Panda

Well, 2011 is nearing its end and throughout the year there has been a lot of talk about Google’s recent algorithm changes, which were codenamed “Panda”.  These changes have caused quite the panic in the SEO community and everyone seems to have a differing opinion on the Panda update.

Google-logo-682-571408aToday I’m going to weigh in on some of the things I personally have learned from Google in regards to to what they are looking for and how you can better prepare yourself and your websites for better ranking.

Make Google Happy!

One of the most important underlying themes with the Panda update is to give Google what they want, and know what makes them happy.  There is no need to try to trick them into thinking your site is quality when it isn’t; sites with actual valuable information will strive, and those without will falter.