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Final Installment of Holiday eCard and Viral Roundup

Ornamentinsnow_2 In this final round of holiday etoys and activities, we’ve discovered a number of unusual activities.  There also continue to be some incredible efforts around charitable giving.  Instead of doing a crazy review like before .. here’s a list with links.  Enjoy!

One of my favourites (though technically not an ecard or viral video)  is the 15 Below project from TAXI.  Instead of giving staff and client gifts this year, TAXI has designed a coat that can be insulated with newspaper and can withstand temperatures up to -15 (the temperature that causes Cold Alerts to be put into effect).   This coat will be distributed to homeless across North America on behalf of TAXI clients and staff.  You can view the story of the coat and its design as well as a video of it being put to the test on their site

Photo Credit: James Jordan