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Month: June 2005

Customization – You Know It's Good For You..But!

One of my clients is on a limited budget and sends email once a month to sell their products and usually chooses to send a group message with multiple products per message. This can work very well if you are selling small ticket items such as books, DVDs or apparel, but in B-B, targeting is everything. How can you customize and stick to a small budget?

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Spyware's reach…and the effect on marketers

In the summer issue of IT Business Report I recently read some interesting stats about malware such as spyware and adware. Forrester Research reports that 17% of enterprises it surveyed say their systems are infected with spyware! However, only 60% of those infected really knew if they were infected or not.
And what’s worse, eTrust security management says that 40% of calls to help desks are related to spyware!

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