Sometimes I feel my real job title is Professional Bubble Burster. This week I had to burst the bubble of a company that wanted their Website to rank “number one in Google” for a particular phrase. Sounds like an innocent enough request, right?
So why was I compelled to give this company a mini-lecture on the realities of search engine optimization (SEO)? Because the phrase they wanted to be “number one in Google” for is so common (let’s pretend it was “box open” and the company makes boxes) that it already exists on over 65 million Web pages indexed by Google!
Month: June 2005
Here’s a reminder that if you are a CIRA member, voting for the Board of Directors started today and ends on June 22nd.
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I’m continually amazed by the poor quality of video that many otherwise professional companies are willing to showcase on their websites. The same companies that demand high-end web graphics think any fool with a dv camera can capture good images.
Take the home page of 4:AM Group. This Vancouver-based design firm has delivered some really nice creative for some good clients. I respect their work. So I’m completely stymied by their use of home video on the Web site.