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David Feldt Takes Over Organic Toronto Office

“Marketing Magazine”: tells us that “Organic’s”: long search for an MD for their Toronto office has ended with the hiring of David Feldt, formerly of “Blast Radius”:
In an short article in Marketing Daily aptly titled “Musical chairs at Blast and Organic”, Rob Gerlsbeck gives us the inside track:

bq.. David Feldt has left his job as vice-president and general manager at Blast Radius in Toronto to take on similar responsibilities at Organic.
Feldt, who started Monday, will oversee Organic’s Toronto office as managing director and senior vice-president.
Meanwhile, back at Blast, Idris Mootee has been hired as VP of strategic consulting.
Mootee, the former head of strategy at Organic, is responsible for working directly with Blast Radius clients to develop their business strategies. He will report to Gautam Lohia, Blast’s executive VP of global delivery.
Feldt’s hiring is the latest of a number of moves at Organic Toronto, which has increased its staff count from 32 in January to around 50 as of this month, after experiencing high turnover at the end of last year.
p. It will be interesting to see how this impacts the two firms. Feldt has been at Blast for almost two years now but before that he was at DM powerhouse “Wunderman”: and he brings a strong digital marketing background with him. My perception is that Organic is moving aggressively into marketing (vs. building web sites) so that might be part of the reason Feldt made what looks to be a relatively horizontal move. And his experience in the US (opening Blast’s Chicago office) would clearly appeal to Organic since much of the work done in the Toronto office is done on behalf of US clients.

One Comment

  1. Jeffrey Smit
    Jeffrey Smit October 10, 2005

    What this is telling us is Organic is moving towards marketing services with David’s experience with Wunderman and Blast Radius is moving deeper into strategy and technology with hiring of Idris who is a highly regarded McKinsey trained strategist. These companies are finally making their choices on who they want to become.

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