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Five Simple Internet Marketing Resolutions for 2006

As we kick off what promises to be another record year for the Internet marketing industry, I’d like to propose five simple resolutions for you to make, especially if you’re on the client side of the equation.
Don’t worry, none of these resolutions involves breaking your precious caffeine habit or spending long hours on the treadmill. These should be simple resolutions for you to make and – more importantly – keep. Hence the simple part.
Here they are…

# Visit your own Website right now and at least once a week throughout the year. You’d be surprised how many people forget to look at their own company’s Websites, which is often the first and only impression prospective customers may have of them. Don’t have a Website yet? (I know you’re out there!) This is the year to finally launch one.
# Do a search for your company’s products or services on Google or Yahoo. Take note of which Websites rank high as well as which of your competitors, if any, are advertising in the search results. Is your Website anywhere to be found? Should it be? If so, do something about it. Repeat monthly.
# If you already have an email newsletter, commit to publishing it at least once per quarter this year. If you don’t have an email newsletter, start thinking about launching one or, alternatively, a simple blog or podcast. Something. Anything. No more excuses!
# Figure out who your best customers are and send them a personalized e-greeting with a coupon or some other incentive on their birthday or Mother’s Day or Canada Day.
# Find some budget, any budget, and try a Search Engine Advertising campaign. (And if you’ve already tried AdWords or Yahoo! Search Marketing, try a different network.) The learning alone will be worth the investment.
Good luck, and Happy New Year!


  1. Stefan Eyram
    Stefan Eyram January 5, 2006

    Bill, I echo your resolutions whole-heartedly. It’s surprising how many company’s don’t take the time to “look in the mirror” when it comes to their online marketing efforts. I know some of these people.
    – Their websites are actually a detriment to their brand and their business.
    – When people actually “stumble” across these websites they don’t stick around very long.
    – These company’s send out marketing emails that they would never, themselves, respond to. Yet, they insist these are relevant and “wanted”.
    – They have undertaken a limited trial of SEM but bailed out at the first signs it wasn’t the silver bullet.
    I am quite certain that following your list of resolutions will provide a good return for pretty much anyone.
    Here’s to a better 2006.

  2. Melyssa Lipsey
    Melyssa Lipsey January 18, 2006

    Thanks for the insight! I completely agree with you. Staying on top of you own web presence is almost as challenging as staying on top of what your competition is doing.
    Unfortunately, if you fall behind in either scenario, it can affect your reputation and your profit margin!
    These are great points to base a “Marketing oriented” News Years resolution on!
    Thanks for your valuable input – keep it coming!

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