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Who thinks?

Who thinks in your organization?  Who is responsible for product innovation?  Who isn’t?  What is the value of collaboration?

Charles Leadbeater proposes that in the future, innovation will require conversations that break down the traditional walls of companies.

His new book "explores how the web is changing our world, creating a culture in which
more people than ever can participate, share and collaborate, ideas and

Charles has gone beyond the call of duty and created a wonderful animated short piece that outlines just why everyone should read his book.  Sadly, this book is only available in the UK at present.  This points to one challenge of online marketing – reach can easily extend beyond availability.

I’m negotiating getting my hands on a copy to review. In the meantime, I recommend everyone watch the video below.  Simply amazing.

[link to video for those who can’t see it in their email or feed reader.]


  1. Tim Kraan
    Tim Kraan April 14, 2008

    The book is now available to Canadians at

  2. Sean Howard
    Sean Howard April 14, 2008

    Thanks Tim. Awesome news! I was trying on Friday and couldn’t get access. Have now bought my copy.

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