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Happy 30th Birthday, Spam! Lookin' Good …

I was recently sent a copy of Symantec’s State of Spam for May 2008.  You can pick it up over on their State of Spam website (a site I didn’t know existed – very informative!).  From the report …

Few people in the industry are celebrating spam’s 30th birthday during the beginning of May this year, however the email menace has afforded us an opportunity to review just how prominent it has become. During the month of April, 80% of all email was spam, with that number jumping as high as 87% at times.

Are you sh*tting me?  Up to 87% of email is spam?  That makes me outraged as a consumer and despairing as an Internet marketer.

Aside from these tidings, the report also breaks down spam by category (scams, leisure, "adult", etc.) and countries of origin, plus, it gives examples of some of the most popular spam during the last month, notably phishing or other scam attempts.  Good education both for marketers as well as consumers.  Worth checking out.  Plus I like the cool spam ThreatCon meter and other spam alerts.  Would be nice if you could get those via RSS.