The following is a sponsored post by nextMEDIA

As the industry moves from mass media to mass personalization, how will your organization respond and distinguish your service from the competition?
How much will consumers be willing to pay for content when ‘free alternatives’ exist in abundance?
Compare the financial viability and potential for growth of subscription and pay per use services including cable VOD, online, adult entertainment and film.
Missy Suicide, Co-creator of SuicideGirls (NSFW), joins a session at nextMEDIA – Monetizing Digital Media on making money from pay per use content services. Learn how the SuicideGirls have made a profit from subscriptions and how this can be applied to your content business.
See what content works best with different transactional services, marketing strategies that sell the benefits of "subscription and pay per use services" to customers, and how advanced advertising can improve the bottom line.
Combining her love of pin-up photography, music and art with personal ideals of female empowerment nurtured in DIY culture, Missy Suicide has started a revolution. Missy combines her traditional arts training with business acumen in the operation of SuicideGirls. She also continues to photograph women for the site.
Since launching SuicideGirls, Missy has become a voice for the culture on sexuality outside of what mainstream media is reporting. She has been interviewed on issues relating to music, the internet, pop culture and body image on numerous radio stations and in publications such as the New York Times, Wired, Spin and Elle and appeared on Showtime, HBO, CBS, and Fox News.
nextMEDIA – Monetizing Digital Media, November 18-19, 2008 at CiRCA in Toronto, features a full program of keynote speakers, in-depth case studies and topic-driven panels focused on the new economy of reputation, attention and customer engagement.