by Pete (the mose) Mosley

I just read a FaceBook post by Mitch Joel.
Mitch Joel: This sudden rash of bad marketing offers in reply emails when you start to follow certain people on Twitter is pretty sad (and bad).
I replied to Mitch and agree completely …
Pete Mosley: Watching all this Twittering is like a seeing a human without his/her skin. It's not pretty lookin' at all the gooey bits. Let alone the PR spins, obvious self promotion (Nominate ME!!!) and the "marketing" crapola. Plus, the 30 Tweets/30 minutes is just so not Cluetrain. They ain't tweets My Luv… me thinks they are cries for some well-needed therapy?
As y'all know, I am a Cluetrain guy. I have the rights and use the material in courses and lectures – and, I believe strongly in this wonderful thing we have called The Net. It is all about conversations.
I am watching – with great interest – Twitter; microblogging i.e. sending out updates and I noticed a couple of things ( I am researching this stuff for some clients and some talks I am preparing.)
Guy Kawasaki – yep, he is a stone-cold killer when it comes to all things Mac and Guerilla Marketing. However, if you are following Guy – like the 6 gazillion of us – he is using this Twitter thing as a self- promotional tool full stop. He calls it a weapon. Cluetrain states and quite rightly – "When did they turn marketing into a verb- with us as the object?"
He is non-stop all over us with his new site as well as his new book. Cool site fer sure. And I like his books – will probably get this one too. But OK we get it!!! Guy, you are becoming like a damn encyclopedia salesman. Hell, I know "trash and trinket" sales weasels that he makes look subtle! Take a smallish break Guy. We get it. Trust me, we get it. Ron Popeil would be embarrassed! Sometime ya have to know when you have made the sale. And when ya have to shut up!