Over the holidays I asked around about how we could get more people engaged and contributing to One Degree. The response that I heard time and time again was "make it less intimidating" and "make it easier". Well, I'm still working on toning down my intimidation factor, but we now have a few new ways that we think will make it easier for readers to evolve to contributors!
Week in Review Curator
Do you harbour secret librarian tendencies – squirreling away great links? Does your delicious list rival the National Library? Are you a propagator of the latest and greatest internet memes? Well, you're probably the perfect guest curator for a Week in Review post. Earlier this year we started having guest curators who provide their own take on what was interesting, important and note-worthy in the digital marketing and social media space. Want to curate?
Twitter Editor
We know we are not using Twitter to its fullest potential right now. Do you have some ideas? Do you think in 140 characters? Do you multi-task like a mo-fo? And can you work on a team? I'm thinking it might be fun to have a few Twitter editors, stationed across the country.
Gossip Columnist
OK, maybe not so much a gossip columnist – but someone who is interested in the people who make digital marketing and social media in Canada tick. What jobs are they hopping? Who just won what clients? And who's hanging with who at PodCamp? Should have a cross-country focus (but hey, if you can get the dirt in Toronto, surely you can get the dirt in Halifax too).
By the Numbers Columnist
Are you obsessed with data? Would you like to be one of the first to get the latest numbers on Canadian activities online? I've got a couple of research houses that are willing to share some data with us on a regular basis, but I need someone with a vision for developing the relationships and presenting the info.
If you're interested in any of the above – or just want to write a piece for us – we'd love to hear from you. You can email me at kate [at] onedegree [dot] ca.