What our Twitter team has been tweeting recently …
- One Tweet over the line: Is there such a thing as overuse of social networking tools? cli.gs/75NtYj (LH) #
- Search engines attract a much larger share of visits in Canada than in the US or UK. Hitwise. (RT @bashley) (LH) #
- Microsoft's 'Bing' is no Google killer, reviewers say: cli.gs/yz9AmQ (LH) #
- Nine worst social media fails of 2009… thus far cli.gs/2abH2z (LH) #
- Is Google Wave 'the email of the future?' cli.gs/tVAtmu (LH) #
- Survey shows sparse viewership for repurposed TV online cli.gs/RVVbg9 (LH) #
- AdAge's Women to Watch in 09 ow.ly/apMS (via @somisguided) #
- Ooh! Interesting: Is Twitter dominated by men? (via @guardiantech) (LH) #
- Twitter's work-life balance tips (BusinessWeek) tinyurl.com/ceonz3 (via @sweetCupcake) (LH) #
- How to use Twitter in the classroom [VIDEO] cli.gs/JsdHeJ (LH) #
- From a galaxy far, far away, Star Wars embraces social media cli.gs/08HpeG (LH) #
- AJR: Is Twitter an effective journalism tool? cli.gs/Ga5sjh (LH) #
- 10% of Twitter users account for 90% of Twitter activity cli.gs/H473LE (LH) #