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Click! Weekly Looking for Top Canadian Interactive Marketers of 2009

Nominations now open for 'hot list' of Interactive marketing leaders, innovators

Click! Weekly is looking for your nominations for the most extraordinary minds in Interactive marketing.
This inaugural list will recognize the best Interactive marketing professionals in Canada.

Top Canadian Interactive Marketers of 2009

"This is a hot list that celebrates online marketing leaders and innovators in Canada," says Amy Bostock, Editor of Click! Weekly. "We encourage all industry professionals to nominate colleagues whose creative strategies and passionate dedication have not only made a difference within their organizations but truly raised the bar for Interactive marketing in this country."

Nominations for the Top Canadian Interactive Marketers of 2009 can be submitted online at

Winners will be featured in Click! Weekly, and highlighted at the annual IAB Canada's MIXX Canada Conference Series event on September 29, 2009 in Toronto.

The deadline for nominations is August 10, 2009 at 5 p.m.