5 Keys To Understanding Your Brand’s Competition
As a brand strategist, a favorite part of any presentation I give to clients is a section on their brand’s competitors. What’s surprising though is how intrigued clients are by the findings. So often, competitive analysis is treated as a luxury when it should be a continuous activity. And because the analysis is designed to help future sales, it gets put on the back burner (or handed off to an agency) as there’s only so much time in a quarter and “we have to make our numbers.”
Telus says a Huawei equipment ban by Ottawa could set back 5G network plan
Telus Corp. acknowledged Thursday that the deployment of its fifth-generation wireless network could be delayed and more expensive if Ottawa chooses to ban equipment from Huawei Technologies Inc.
The Vancouver-based company — which has used Huawei radio equipment in non-core portions of its 3G and 4G wireless networks — continues to believe the China-based company doesn’t pose a big risk to national security.
SoundCloud lets artists distribute music to Spotify and Apple Music
SoundCloud is helping artists distribute uploaded music to other services, including Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, Amazon Music, Tidal, Instagram, Pandora and even Napster. The Premier distribution tool will be available in open beta at no extra cost for eligible Pro and Pro Unlimited subscribers. SoundCloud won’t take a cut of the earnings artists make from other platforms, and it pledged to streamline payments for them. Musicians will also keep all of the rights to their work.
A Complete Agile Marketing Definition
A good Agile marketing definition can be hard to come by. The tough part is that it’s a combination of two very easily misunderstood words: “Agile” and “marketing.”
For those who haven’t spent a lot of time exploring its nuances, Agile comes to mean merely fast or hyper-productive. Marketers who prowl the internet for a couple of hours and think they’re up to speed on all Agile has to offer often fall into this trap.
Is All Growth “Good Growth”?
CEOs and their leadership teams strive for revenue growth and the momentum and headlines such performance creates. Investors too, seek “momentum plays” and favor the high-fliers in the segment. But does that pay off? Do competitors that deliver superior top-line growth consistently provide favorable returns for shareowners?