By the Numbers: Why online marketing is more important than ever
Now more than ever, it’s important for restaurateurs to get into online marketing — luckily, it’s easier than it looks. According to Monetate, a marketing software provider, more than one billion restaurant visits in the United States are influenced by online marketing. We came to a similar conclusion at fsSTRATEGY, as well. Our research found that our clients and competitors with large social media followings effectively drove sales using social media promotions.
In particular, online marketing caters to Millennials, who dine out more than any other demographic in Canada and are less likely to see advertisements in traditional media like print and television. And while different companies have reported different numbers on the various nuances of social media marketing, they all tell the same story.
How You Can See Google Search Results for Different Locations
What you and I are likely to see in Google differs a lot even if we search for the same thing.
The results we get depend on our:
Search habits.
The devices we use.
And, most importantly, our current location.
Apple Details Radical New iPhone Display Upgrade
Apple’s ambitious plans for a folding iPhone are starting to take shape, but today the company was also granted extensive patents for similarly radical technology which looks set to hit iPhones a lot sooner…
Researcher shines light on digital threats to democracy
nyone who thinks Canada may have a firewall to protect citizens from bad actors on the worldwide web should think again.
Carl Miller, the co-founder and research director of the Centre for the Analysis of Social Media at the Demos think-tank in England, says Canadian democracy is just as vulnerable as any other.