Why is digital marketing important for businesses? (infographic)
Digital marketing is such an important tool for businesses to grow and achieve a high success rate when it comes to their online efforts. This infographic looks at the reason why digital marketing is more important than ever before and the different types of digital marketing that you need to include in your own efforts when dealing with current and future clients.
Are Middle-Class Canadians Still the World’s Richest?
Five years ago, when The Times began The Upshot, the idea of exploring issues through a mix of traditional text, data visualizations, images and interactive features was still relatively new. Some of its experiments, notably election night needles, were instant hits. Others, including a Friday afternoon cocktail recipe linked to the week’s news, had a shorter shelf life.
Study In Canada: Government Developing Strategy To Attract Even More International Students
Canada already has record numbers of international students, but the federal government is working with colleges and universities to attract even more study in Canada candidates.
Representatives from educational institutions are working with government officials to develop a strategy to target growth markets for the Canada study permit.
Google Staffers Share Stories of ‘Systemic’ Retaliation
Hundreds of Google staffers met on Friday and discussed what activists allege is a frequent consequence of criticizing the company: Retaliation. Two leaders of recent company protests said they’ve been mistreated by managers and collected similar stories from other workers at the world’s largest internet company.
A truly Great Canadian combo: Gretzky gets into the beer business
The Great One, you’ve heard of. But how about the Great six-pack?
In what might be one of the most Canadian combinations possible — barring, maybe, a Mountie opening up a maple syrup stand — Wayne Gretzky is getting into the beer business.