America has a rich history of innovation by Asian immigrants
Why does one of the world’s largest and most successful telecommunications companies have the word “railroad” in its name?
Every semester, I stump the Stanford students in my History of Information class with this query. The company in question is Sprint, which stands for “Southern Pacific Railroad Internal Networking.”
Majority of Canadians support crackdown on harmful content on social media: report
New data shows that the majority of Canadians support a crackdown on harmful content on social media platforms. The statistic comes from a poll commissioned by the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA). The results also outline that 77 percent of Canadians support the idea of giving the privacy commissioner new powers to help safeguard personal information.
Read more at Majority of Canadians support crackdown on harmful content on social media: report
Why you still need to take time off when working from home
Under the best of circumstances, working from home full-time can throw a wrench into work-life balance. And, when your office is shut down, and everyone else is working remotely, too, the pressure to always be present can heat up. After all, it’s tempting when you’re sitting on the couch watching 90-Day Fiancee on a Tuesday evening to also be on your laptop, getting a jump on tomorrow’s to-do list.
The Role of AI, ML, and IoT in Digital Transformation
A lot of noise and misunderstanding exists in the user marketplace about what digital transformation is, and the roles that artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and the Internet of Things (IoT) play in implementing it.