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One Degree Friday December 10 2021

Is vertical integration making a comeback?

In the headlines crawling across the screen, you can glimpse vertical integration’s revival, as companies reveal plans to control and own aspects of their business that they were until recently content to let suppliers handle. In November, Ford announced that it would partner with GlobalFoundries to develop and produce computer chips. Last summer, Home Depot chartered its own container ship. Ikea, not to be outdone, is purchasing its own shipping containers.


12 Social Media Strategy Examples to Empower Your Marketing

If you think social media is nothing more than people sharing pictures and videos, then you need to take a step back and rethink your marketing strategy. These platforms have emerged to become one of the most marketing powerful tools for a brand, and that is why I have selected some social media strategy examples to showcase this power.


Canadian Perspectives on Marketing, Privacy Laws and Where 2022 Will Take Us

Most Canadian brands remained stable or improved in their customer experience over the course of the pandemic, according to the Forrester Canada Customer Experience Index (CX Index) 2021.


Judge upholds Ontario rules limiting third-party election advertising spending

An Ontario judge has upheld the province’s restrictions on third-party election advertising, ruling the measures do not infringe on voters’ right to meaningfully participate in the election process.


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