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One Degree Monday February 6 2023

7 Nostalgic Canadian Commercials That’ll Take You Right Back To Your Childhood (VIDEOS)

Looking to unlock memories and ignite some good ol’ Canadian nostalgia? Then you might want to check out this TikTok channel which has compiled some of Canada’s most iconic commercials.


Google is about to share more about its work in artificial intelligence. Next week, Google will be holding an event about how it’s “using the power of AI to reimagine how people search for, explore and interact with information, making it more natural and intuitive than ever before to find what you need,” according to an invite sent to The Verge. The 40-minute event will be streamed on YouTube on February 8th at 8:30AM ET.


After a radioactive capsule went missing in Australia, could the same happen in Canada?

After a tiny radioactive capsule went missing in the Australian outback, an expert in Canada says the likelihood of the same happening in this country is unlikely, given our strong regulations governing the handling of radioactive materials.


Why social media makes you feel bad – and what to do about it

Have you ever found yourself scrolling through social media and noticed you felt a bit down? Maybe a little envious? Why aren’t you on a yacht? Running a startup? Looking amazing 24/7?


30 crazy, wacky gadgets at CES 2023 [Part 2]

Will these ten gadgets improve your life?


Senate passes Liberals’ controversial online streaming act with a dozen amendments

Big tech companies that offer online streaming services could soon be required to contribute to Canadian content as a controversial Liberal bill gets one step closer to becoming law.



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