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One Degree Tuesday February 7 2023

ChatGPT: 30 incredible ways to use the AI-powered chatbot

ChatGPT is an advanced language model developed by OpenAI. With its cutting-edge natural language processing capabilities, it has revolutionized the way humans interact with artificial intelligence (AI).


8 Core Disciplines for a Successful Social Media Marketing Strategy [Infographic]

Are you looking to create an effective social media marketing strategy? Want to learn the core disciplines you need to pay attention to?


This day in search marketing history: February 6

In 2013, Google AdWords announced Enhanced Campaigns. This major update was designed to simplify campaign management across multiple devices and increase adoption rates of mobile advertising among small and medium-sized businesses.


I’m a parent with an active social media brand: Here’s what you need to check on your child’s social media right now

If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram, you’ll know I wear a lot of hats: romance author, parent of funny tweenagers, part-time teacher, amateur homesteader, grumbling celiac and the wife of a seriously outdoorsy guy.


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