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One Degree Monday February 27 2023

Helping Businesses Succeed in the Digital Economy

There’s no doubt that we’re increasingly moving towards a fully digital economy. The integration of digital technology with the need for secure information management is critical for businesses to succeed in today’s market—and tomorrow’s.


Survey shows what Canadians think about AI tech like ChatGPT, Google Bard

New technology involving artificial intelligence (AI) such as ChatGPT and Google Bard are dominating conversations and headlines across Canada


Is It Time To Ban AI Chatbots From Using Social Media?

One quick look at her profile shows a digitally-created humanoid, one that has all the hallmarks of a bot. The shadows are not quite right, the flecks in her eyes are too perfect, and there’s a slightly cartoonish look.


Social Media Use and Poor Health

It is now almost anachronistic to discuss the impact of social media on lifestyle as if the two are separate things, with one impacting the other. The fact is that social media use, for many people, is part of their lifestyle. However, the ubiquity of social media use among adults and children obscures some complex relationships between that usage and health.


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