Registration is free of charge, but limited to 110 people, so get your tickets while they’re still available!
About SustainabilityCamp:
Learn how social communications, community engagement and participation, sustainable technology and Web 2.0/ social software can help build a vibrant creative economy. SusCamp, as with all unconferences, is born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. Everyone is encouraged to participate at SustainabilityCamp, as the unconference format allows everyone to set the agenda, present, get involved in discussions and learn as they choose.
For more information on how you can get involved with Sustainability Camp, visit the Sustainability Camp wiki and register today!
Also, SusCamp is currently looking for sponsors as well as speakers – people who are implementing sustainable/green practices in their business, IT or marketing practices. If you’re interested, get in touch via suscamp [at] wildfirestrategy [dot] com.