“Eloqua Corporation”:http://www.eloqua.com/ is having another in their great (and free) “thought leader” webinars on June 23rd. This one is with “SiriusDecisions”:http://www.siriusdecisions.com/ and looks at new research on “winning BtoB demand-generation practices”.
Here’s the scoop:
bq.. According to a recent study by SiriusDecisions, a research firm that specializes in analyzing marketing and sales practices, more than 50% of business-to-business (BtoB) marketers rate their organizations as “fair” or “poor” demand generators, despite increased marketing budgets.
“The battle between competitors is being won and lost at the top of the funnel,” says Tony Jaros, vice president and research director for SiriusDecisions, and an expert on BtoB lead development. “Our research shows that few marketing executives are succeeding at creating high performance demand creation programs; far more are struggling to provide a continuous flow of actionable leads.”
Jaros will join Eloqua Corporation, a provider of integrated demand-generation solutions, to outline research findings and share practical approaches found in top BtoB marketing departments in a free, one-hour webinar June 23 at 2:00 pm EDT.
p. You can “find out more and register for the webinar now”:http://www.eloqua.com/demandgeneration.