5 Ways in Which Digital Marketing Provides Flexibility across Channels
The internet has been transformed from it had been just a decade ago when most people got online using laptops and few understood what apps were. Most people today get online using Smartphones whose low cost has made them affordable. Further facilitating the growth of online users is the low cost of data coupled with high data transfer rates. All this has contributed to making the internet unrecognizable from what it had been just a decade or even 4 years ago prior to which the cost of data was relatively high.
Google Maps adds ability to see speed limits and speed traps in 40+ countries
Google Maps is gaining some features previously exclusive to Google’s navigation app, Waze. The company confirmed it’s rolling out the ability for Google Maps users to see speed limits, speed cameras and mobile speed cameras in more than 40 countries worldwide — an expansion of its earlier launch of these features, which were previously limited to select markets.
As 5G mobile arrives, which countries were the real 4G winners?
5G mobile might be just around the corner for some, but that doesn’t mean that the 4G project is forgotten – or even finished.
Parties will be ‘caught flat-footed’ if they don’t come up with ways to fight disinformation on campaign trail
Canada’s political parties are making a mistake if they don’t have a strategy in place for tackling fake news online, according to an expert in combating political disinformation. But when contacted by CBC News, none of the parties offered clear evidence that they do.