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Category: Alexa Clark

DMC: Mark Hurst from Creative Good on Reducing Info Clutter

Mark’s was one of the talks I was most looking forward to at the DMC. I’ve followed his work at Creative Good for quite a while. I was disappointed, overall, in his talk because it really seemed like a LONG promo for his book, Bit Literacy. What would have been really great is if his book was handed out at the DMC; then I wouldn’t have minded the “read my book to understand what I’m talking about” nature of his talk as much.

As it was, if you had never heard of Mark and didn’t know he was using a special tool (GooToDo, see below) to de-clutter his inbox, I would imagine you were a little frustrated. The lead-up to the talk promised a lot and then ultimately delivered, in my opinion, little.

However, I AM going to get the book .. because Mark is quite smart and quite passionate about the info clutter topic. I’ve read a free guide on managing your email (PDF) that he wrote a couple of years ago. And I’ve enjoyed his Uncle Mark’s Gift Guide and Almanac where he really applies his understanding of technology and usability to the practical arena of gift giving.

We interviewed Mark after his talk and asked him what the one thing you can do to get out from information overload … clean up your inbox!! You can play the video that Alexa shot (you may have to click through) if you want to hear him say it 🙂