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Category: Bill Sweetman

Recommended: How to Avoid the Sleazy SEO Up-Sell

My ever-trustworthy Snake Oil Detector registered a big one last week after I was approached by an online retailer with questions about search engine optimization (SEO).
Turns out they’d recently launched their Website and were shopping around for some much needed SEO help. They had been speaking with another firm that purported to do SEO work, and they were a bit suspicious of what they heard. Turns out they had every right to be.
When I did a bit of digging, I uncovered one of the most egregious scams I’ve come across in a while.

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Recommended: My Favourite Agency Website of All Time (for Now)

How important is it for agencies that offer Internet marketing services to have massive, content-rich corporate Websites? What role should these sites play? And are these sites even needed in the first place?
I throw these questions out there, without pretending to have all the answers, because I have never landed a piece of business directly from my own corporate Website, nor – frankly – do I expect to.
That’s because Kalixo gets all of its business through word-of-mouth and strategic partners. The role of the Kalixo Website is to serve as a sales support tool, giving prospects the opportunity to discretely (and quickly) check out our credentials.
Recognizing the irony at the heart of this, I wanted to share with One Degree readers my favourite agency Website of all time, before it’s too late.


Learned: The "Get GOT" Gotcha with Campaigner

When does ‘branding’ cross the line and become annoying? Here’s when…
I’ve been a fan, and customer, of GOT Corporation (formerly GotMarketing) and their Campaigner self-serve email marketing system for many years. I’ve also set up a number of my smaller clients with their own Campaigner accounts so they can manage their own email newsletters.
Last week I set up a new client with a Campaigner account and made a shocking discovery.