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Category: Five Questions

Laura Buchanan on Future Shop's Community and Tech Blog – 5 Question Interview

I recently had the opportunity to talk with Laura Buchanan of Future Shop Canada.  Laura is the Social Community Specialist at Future Shop where she caretakes the vibrant Future Shop Community – an online tech enthusiast community for Canadians. 

As part of the community, she and Future Shop recently launched the Tech Blog. The Tech Blog is written by six seven Canadian tech bloggers (including our own Brad Grier) – sharing their reviews of technology and consumer electronics.  Laura shared her perspective on the community, blog and other social media outlets.

OD: Can you tell us a bit about the impetus for launching the Tech Blog as part of the Future Shop Community? 

LB: When the Community was launched two years ago, it was solely made up of the discussion forums – a place where Canadians could come and talk about technology. The Community’s mantra is “connect share & learn” – and the Tech Blog fits perfectly with this culture.  There’s something for everyone, be you a tech enthusiast or a total n00b. 

The Tech Blog gets updated daily by our team with product reviews, how-tos, breaking tech news & general tech talk.

Future Shop Community  

OD: How did you decide which bloggers to include – in particular, factors like using independent bloggers rather than Future Shop employees or that the blogging team skews heavily male.

LB: Actually, two of our bloggers are Future Shop employees (klausboedker & TimR), but neither of them are writing as “Future Shop representatives”.  They’re both subject matter experts in their fields (Klaus is a photographer and Tim is very well-versed in movies & music). This isn’t because we disagree with what they have to say, but we wanted the blog to be a space where the bloggers and commentators alike could share their opinions freely.

I did all the recruiting for the blog and hand-picked the team based on their areas of expertise, their blogging skills and their enthusiasm for technology.  There was definitely no deliberateness in my decision to not have female representation on the blog team – none of the female candidates were the right fit, it’s as simple as that.  Some of our most respected community members are female, we have female moderators, I’m female – and we will have female bloggers in the future.

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Sarah Prevette on Bringing Social Media Marketing to Non-Profits – 5 Question Interview

Net Change took place in Toronto last week and was billed as “Canada’s first week-long, city-wide event designed to dissolve the divide between digital professionals and social change-makers.”

Along with several consultants representing public relations, digital marketing and social media, I was invited to participate in “Social Mastermind // Social Media for Social Change” – a day-long event. The day was an opportunity for charities focusing on social change to work directly with an eclectic mix of consultants who provided advice, tactical support and strategic planning on a pro bono basis.

Charities represented varied interests and a cross-section of the population: Athletes For Africa, Raising The Roof, Theatre Ontario, Meal Exchange, Ontario Black History Society, Pencils For Kids, CYBF, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), Toronto Art Council, OCRI, Literacy For Leadership, Hospice Toronto, SKETCH, Toronto Public Library Foundation and McLaughlin Rotman Centre For Global Health.

Sarah Prevette of RedWire Nation I recently interviewed Sarah Prevette of RedWire Nation, the Social Mastermind behind the event itself.

ES: How did you get involved in NetChange and specifically Social Masterminds?

SP: I was invited to MaRS a few weeks ago to brainstorm ideas for how NetChange Week could grow beyond the traditional conference format. Myself and several others from the Toronto community were encouraged to discuss challenges facing not-for-profits and think about how we, with our various communities, might be able to support them.

A major challenge ubiquitous to most charities is raising awareness about their particular issue. With limited resources and budgets, marketing can be a real struggle. With the rise of social media and the unprecedented ability to connect with those who share a passion for the cause, an understanding on how to leverage these *free* tools is paramount.  Recognizing the immense wealth of talent residing in the web community and the continued outpouring of support for social causes, it seemed a natural fit in bringing together the two groups to knowledge share.

ES: What was your inspiration?

SP: While in England several weeks ago I had the distinct pleasure of meeting Anna Maybank, the social innovator behind Social Innovation Camp. Anna and her team bring together software developers those representing social challenges to build more effective software for fringe groups not currently being serviced by popular platforms.

Anna's idea of crowd-sourcing for social innovation inspired me to think we could do something similar here in Canada. While we weren't designing new software, we could apply similar principles and bring together those with knowledge of social media to work with not-for-profits in creating their own online strategies.

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