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Category: Mobile

BuyYourFriendaDrink & The Local Watering Holes

One of the popular early Facebook mini applications is BoozeMail. The application allows users to send friends virtual drinks (or even a round of drinks) on Facebook.

Currently the application has 213,215 monthly active users sending each other mojitos, sangrias or any other drink from the menu. If only they were real…

Boozemail on Facebook

The idea of sending people drinks online is one that has been fantasized about since the early days of online media. While we were busy toting around closed circuit Palm Pilots, we often daydreamed about the doors wireless mobility would unlock for PDAs “If only there was a way to send people stuff (like drinks) while they were on the go…sigh."

One dream scenario was to be able to send a friend a drink at a location they are either at or close to. Through GPS technology, the dream has become more realistic than ever. The only missing link is the network of bars that would participate in delivering on the goods. Today, I thought it would be fun to dig a bit into what has been done in this area.

I talked to Barbara Liss, the VP of Marketing for The company launched out of New Jersey and Texas but has virtual offices in Chicago, San Francisco and New York.

BuyYourFriendaDrink lets consumers send drinks to each other online and is starting to pull together a decent sized network of bars that can fulfill sent drinks from across the country.

The company has a couple of business models. Among them are:

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It's About the Mobile Internet, Dummie!

About this time last year my first post was published on One Degree about the growing popularity of mobile in Canada.  The stats looked promising for marketers looking to test or incorporate mobile into their marketing mix – although most tests were SMS based.

What a difference a year makes.

Since publishing that first article, Canadians have not only continued their torrid adoption of SMS (CWTA will release stats this week showing we are on pace to double last year’s output to 20 billion) but they now have access to the iPhone, Blackberry Bold, Palm Centro, Samsung Instinct, Nokia N95 and many other next generation devices with fantastic mobile web browsers – which means mobile web access is here for the masses. 

Last week I wrote a piece about user behaviour and motivators of the mobile web user – but what about all of you who still don’t understand the difference between the “desktop” web and the “mobile” web?

Go buy or borrow a copy of Mobile Internet for Dummies from Wiley Publishing.

Co-authored by local mobile evangelist Michael O’Farrell, this reference book is an easy read that has something for everybody – even those who can already find their mobile browser without asking a niece, nephew or local paper boy.

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