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Category: Research

Don Tapscott Inspires At The CMA's National Convention

Don_tapscott_cma The best presentation at this years CMA’s National Convention & Trade Show was from Don Tapscott, of New Paradigm".  Author of Wikinomics, Don spoke on the transformation of marketing, and described the web as "becoming a new form of production," as all users connect to it and collaborate.

Don outlined four drivers for this shift of the web, and provided detailed examples and metrics to buttress his claims.  While the concepts might be straight-forward, when integrated they become a highly thought-out and developed map for change:

  1. The "new" web -> Web 2.0 (consisting of a variety of mediums):
    • The Thing – the utility we use to connect to the web.
    • The availability of broadband mobility, and high-bandwidth capable devices
    • Geo-Spaciality – The availability of the web from any location
    • True-multimedia
    • Web Services
    • Integration
  2. The Net Generation – For the first generation to grow up entirely on digital technologies Don provided the following quote to describe them; "We [the older-than-baby-boomer-children generation] are all digital immigrants, they [the kids] are all digital natives."
  3. The Social Revolution
  4. The Economic Revolution (consisting of four caveats);
    • Peering
    • Transparency – being open
    • Sharing -Mass Collaboration
    • Acting Globally
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Who Said Lawyers Don't Have a Sense of Humour?

If you’re as fascinated as I am by the high stakes (and sometimes bizarre) machinations of the domain name dispute world, then I think you’ll be interested in what I stumbled across recently.

It’s called the Gowlings Domain Name Portal, and it’s a lot more fun than its bland name might imply. Honest.

Launched in April 2006 by Gowlings, one of Canada’s largest national law firms, provides a detailed review of Canadian and International domain name law, with a particular emphasis on .CA domains. It’s the best source of legal information on this topic that I’ve come across to date, and a must-read if you’ve got questions or concerns about domain name law in Canada.