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Category: Twitter

Pushing the GO Button

Go_ButtonI've worked really really hard on my latest project – a crowd-sourced survey of Twitter users. I've sweated over it and worked it and edited it and it's ready to go. My plan is to use Twitter to get Twitter users to join in and share their insights about themselves. Then in the true spirit of social networking, I'll share the results.

The survey is done, and I find myself unable to push the GO button because I am afraid. There, I said it. I AM AFRAID.

  • I am afraid that nobody will complete the survey
  • I am afraid that nobody will retweet my posts
  • I am afraid that I'll annoy my followers if I talk about it
  • I am afraid that my voice is so very tiny that nobody will even hear it, and that will hurt

Where did this fear come from? Since when did I become too polite and too timid to "Just Do It". I think it must have something to do with using a personal brand instead of a corporate brand. It's MY NAME on this project. If it fails, it's all on me. It's like that feeling when you throw a party and for 30 minutes before people show up you are convinced nobody will.

Or is this a Canadian thing? Too polite and too timid to "Just Do It"? Is that why Nike is not a Canadian company? But I digress.


What You Should Know About Local Online Marketing

For all the opportunities the Web has created for businesses to go global, often unappreciated opportunities lie at the local level.

In this article, we'll take a look at three practical opportunities that you can leverage right now.  No fluff.  No false promises.  Just three actionable items you can use to grow your business at a local level.  Some of it may be obvious, but judging by how underutilized they are, I think it's time we get a refresher.

1. Advertising Networks

According to, Canada's top two sites are Google and Facebook.

The opportunity: Both sites offer geographical targeting capabilities.  

With Google, you can create text ads using their AdWords program to target not only specific keywords, but also specific cities.  So if your business operates in Sudbury, Ontario (for example), you can choose to advertise only to people in that city.  This gives you the opportunity to get in front of anyone in your city searching for the products and services you sell.