As we approach the Canada Day festivities, I thought it would be appropriate to pay tribute to some of my favourite Canadian Internet inventions and innovators.
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Google’s on a roll. Again.
Today they opened up “Google Earth”: as a free download. The screenshot above is from their “Google Earth download page”: and to me represents a really great focus on the non-technical user. (Click on the image to see it full size) Note how they simplified the tech requirements and put it in a context most users can understand – what kind of computer they have and how old it is. It’s worth looking at the whole page to see how they’ve set up _three_ download buttons that do exactly the same thing. The first is “I’m good. Download GoogleEarth.exe”, the second (after more traditional system requirements) says “I’m pretty sure I’m good. Download GoogleEarth.exe”. And finally, after getting to possible conflicts with video cards says “”I’m feeling lucky. Download googleearth.exe”. Very nice.
The “Bloglines Plumber” just greated me instead of a typical nasty “service unavailable” message.
Come see what he looks like…