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Tag: time line

How Facebook Timeline Pages Will Affect Marketers

By Jon Cogan

Yesterday, Facebook announced that the Timeline is coming to brand pages. March 30th! Whether you're ready or not. Better said, whether you "like it or not."

I say better said, because "like it or not" serves as a useful double entendre, as it also describes one of the most fundamental changes for Facebook marketing. The default landing tab is gone! This means marketers can no longer have an introductory page that  invites visitors to like their page first and then show exclusive content just to the audience that Likes the page (also know as "like-gating").  So whether you "like it or not" the initial brand experience on Facebook  is virtually the same either way.  

Like-gating is still available and can be built the same way it is today. The exclusive content can be revealed upon liking the page, but the fact that this is only seen as a secondary page and not at the front door anymore presents some big challenges.

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