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Tag: Viral Marketing Mistakes for Small Businesses

Viral Marketing Mistakes for Small Businesses

T484988526he internet has made it easier than ever for individuals and small businesses to market themselves via sites like Facebook and YouTube. However, techniques that may work for large companies may not work on a smaller scale.

The past decade has seen the rise of some of the biggest changes in marketing since the printing press was first invented. The ability to post videos online as well as to connect to existing and potential customers has made doing business online one of the quickest ways to gain a new following whether you are a business or an individual looking to give a boost to your career. However, some of the techniques that work well for bigger companies do not always translate well to small businesses and individuals.

If you have your marketing degree, you have already been taught that creating a website, a video, or starting an account on a social media site is only the first step in connecting with other users. One of the biggest mistakes that many marketers make when working on the small scale is in assuming that it is enough to post a video to YouTube or to start a Twitter and wait for the views and site visits to start rolling in.