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Month: May 2006

Using The Internet To Get McFly

Nike McFlys
“Internationally famous sneakerographer” “Al Cabino”: is fighting for your right to wear sneakers inspired by the film “Back to the Future Part II.”: Cabino launched a petition requesting that Nike release a shoe modelled after the grey moon-boots worn by Michael J. Fox in the 1989 movie. Nike originally created the sneakers for the film, but they were never made available to the public, something Cabino is hoping to change.
*One Degree:* “Al, why do you want to own Marty McFly’s sneakers from Back To The Future II and how is the Internet helping you achieve your dream?”
*Al Cabino:* That’s an excellent question.
Everyone dreams of walking in a movie star’s shoes. The McFlys are the Holy Grail of movie sneakers. The McFlys were created just for the film, never worn beyond the silver screen, and I’ve always been fascinated by them. There is a sneaker legend that says that in 2015, Nike will come out with them. But I’m not going to wait 9 years. There are a *lot* of people who don’t want to wait 9 years.

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The Truth Behind Podcasting

All too often people make wrong assumptions. One of those wrong assumptions is that Podcasting is easy. All you have to do it hit play and start babbling (if only that were true).
Last week “I co-hosted Across The Sound”: (the highly listened to Podcast from Life After The 30-Second Spot author, “Joseph Jaffe”: and man, it is a lot of work.
Mid-week Joseph sent me his show notes which included a list of discussions topics, our “winners” and “losers” of the week, and more. I spent the better part of my nights staying in the loop on all of the developments related to the topics, as well as looking out for new emerging events that might be more relevant by the time we would record.
The final product sounds smooth, but I know that Joseph puts a bunch of production time (aside from the usual glitches that arise when a new technology is in play) towards each episode. To be honest, I don’t know how he manages to Blog, Podcast, speak, travel and still do client work (there must be two of him).
Why is this important to marketers?

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Raising Interactive

Growing up, neither “my brother”: nor I expected to work in interactive media. As a kid I abhorred technology, and my brother was far more interested in “NOFX”: than PPC. So it never ceases to amaze us – let alone our Mom – that we’re both now deeply entrenched in the interactive marketing industry.
Although she’s Internet-savvy in her own right (she emails, uses an instant messenger program, and is considering building a Web site to sell her decorative painting work online), our Mom still struggles a little to wrap her head around what it is that we do. Once, during a visit home, she happened to overhear my brother and I commiserating about a paid search campaign. “They might as well be speaking a different language!” she later told my father. But as she said it, there was a distinguishable note of pride in her voice.

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