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7 Things I Learned at the 2006 Digital Marketing Conference

Last week’s CMA 2006 Digital Marketing Conference was information-packed and very inspirational, and I’m not just saying that because I am a member of the Conference Committee!

While I learned a lot more than just seven things at the Conference (I took 15 pages of notes), there were a number of key points made by various speakers that really struck me:

  1. The Internet marketing talent shortage is now a reality the world over. Get used to it.
  2. The number one thing that is holding clients back from investing more in Internet marketing is lack of knowledge. As Steve Levy of Ipsos-Reid so succinctly put it, "clients need to be educated before they are sold."
  3. Marketing in the age of the Internet is all about conversations.
  4. It’s not about the Web page, it’s about the clicks.
  5. Podcasting is in its infancy like the Web was a decade ago. Now’s the time to get in.
  6. It’s not about people coming to the content, but content coming to the people.
  7. RSS readers will become the new portals.

For an excellent summary of the presentations given at the Digital Marketing Conference, and to continue the conversation, be sure to check out the Canadian Marketing Blog and, of course, One Degree.

One Comment

  1. drew
    drew October 26, 2006

    “1.The Internet marketing talent shortage is now a reality the world over. Get used to it.”
    “2.The number one thing that is holding clients back from investing more in Internet marketing is lack of knowledge. As Steve Levy of Ipsos-Reid so succinctly put it, “clients need to be educated before they are sold.””
    -part of our job has always been in the education of the client this has not been going on strong enough for a long time and its going to take a big push to get people to start doing the educating especially if a client is older and is afraid of the internet.
    “4.It’s not about the Web page, it’s about the clicks.”
    -i would rather it be about the content on the site, the content that drives the clicks, that drives the pass on or word of email ability of the site as opposed to spending money on banners spend money on content that is relavent and good and exclusive then once you do that keep it up dont just flip the switch and run.
    “5. Podcasting is in its infancy like the Web was a decade ago. Now’s the time to get in.”
    -“The people’s revolution is gonna be a podcast”
    “6.It’s not about people coming to the content, but content coming to the people.”
    -i think there are lots of ways we can get content to the people just people are afraid to use them and explore their posibilities.
    “7. RSS readers will become the new portals.”
    -if nobody has a feed in the next year they should and will be left behind.

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