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Category: Podcasting

Podcamp Toronto Recap

Podcamp toronto
 PodCamp Toronto 2009 was a resounding success! Kudos to the organizers (Connie, Eden, Dave, Jay, Rob, Sean, Tommy). Awesome sessions, awesome energy.

When last I checked, video of all sessions have been posted, as well as available presentations.

Total number of attendees estimated 500+. I attended Day 1 in person and Day 2 by remote feed and Twitter.

Day 1 (Attended in person):

  • Started with panel session Building Relationships with Word of Mouth and PR Practitioners While Maintaining Credibility with Your Audience. Keith McArthur moderated an animated panel of Anita Clarke, Eden Spodek, David Jones, and Matthew Stradiotto. Discussions on importance of defining objectives; challenges of blog traffic analysis; defining baseline and improvement rather than fixating on absolute numbers; return on campaign spend and challenges of measuring success.
  • Followed with Sean Power's Stalking Your Audience for Fun & Profit – Monitoring Your Community & Competitors. Sean is co-author of the upcoming O'Reilly book "Complete Web Monitoring". After a bit of a wandering start to this presentation, Sean gave the audience very good questions to ask so that they can obtain useful numbers from a variety of web tools, not just a deluge of data. Looking forward to the book and seeing Sean when we're both speaking at eMetrics San Jose.

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Podcamp Halifax: Rocketboom's Andrew Baron

By Ben Boudreau

3226546295_3e2e7b9309Before it even began, Podcamp Halifax was ready to launch the social media scene of Atlantic Canada into orbit with the help of keynote speaker and founder of, Andrew Baron. For most of us, the thought of sustaining a daily international news program online may sound daunting enough but for Andrew and his team it's just another day in the life of the people behind the podcast featured in The New York Times, Rolling Stone and even CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.

Andrew's keynote, delivered to a diverse crowd spanning all ages, industries and levels of expertise, covered a lot of ground but one of the biggest takeaways was his analogy of social media immersion. He suggested quite eloquently that learning how to use social media is like adjusting to a new city and culture. If you were to move to North Korea, you would adapt and get your footing faster by leaving the house, eating at local restaurants, talking to people and exploring surroundings. If you were to just sit inside your house and peek out the window, you wouldn't get the same level of understanding.

To understand social media, you have to be a citizen of the internet both taking information from the Photobucketcommunity and contributing to it. Read more blogs, get a Twitter account and follow people, participate, comment, and push yourself past being an observer to truly witness the value of social media today.

Oh – and don't claim to be a social media expert. Andrew will make fun of you and you will deserve it.

Here's a brief interview with Andrew before his keynote at the first ever Podcamp Halifax:

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Founders of PodCamp See a Bright Future

I don’t think when Chris Brogan and Christopher S. Penn  started PodCamp Boston in September 2006 that they knew they were starting a movement. But a mere two years later, PodCamp is a worldwide phenomenon for creators of new media and an inspiration to participants.

Last February, at PodCamp Toronto, approximately 60% of those in Chris Brogan’s opening session, Social Media & Networking Starter Guide, were attending their first PodCamp. “It’s really heartening to see the interest in podcasting and new media growing, to me that’s a big success story in itself,” said Jay Moonah, one of the PodCamp Toronto organizers.

With the first PodCamp Montreal kicking off this weekend, it’s a perfect time to talk to Chris and Chris about the growth of the event, and where they see it going.

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